Giving Campaign
REBUILDING, RESTORING and RECLAIMING individuals, families, communities and the world for Jesus Christ.
Debt Elimination by Participation Giving Campaign
About the campaign:
The Debt Elimination by Participation Giving Campaign is an opportunity for the congregation to give back to the Freedom Church of Gwinnett to help eliminate church debt. Each participant must submit a card and commit to a weekly pledge by April 7, 2024. In doing so, FCOG will have a quarterly drawing giving 10% of the campaign’s earnings to the winner to aid in personal financial freedom, promoting debt elimination by participation.
Not sure what your weekly pledge should be? Check out our weekly pledge calculator below!
More information:
- The Debt Elimination by Participation Giving Campaign is above and beyond regular tithes and offerings and is a serious sacrifice that may not be for everyone at this time.
- Once completed pledge cards are received, special giving envelopes will be handed out the first Sunday in April (4/7) and every following Sunday. Participants should complete the information on this envelope to receive full credit. You can also give in Realm by selecting or typing Debt Campaign in the memo line.
- The winner(s) will receive 10% of the FCOG Debt Elimination by Participation Giving Campaign pledge collections, which must only be used to aid in the elimination of financial debt.
- *To be eligible for quarterly drawings, you must give your weekly pledge commitment consistently and on time.